公鹿當家球星「字母哥」安戴托昆波(Giannis Antetokounmpo)生涯至今拿下2座MVP、一次年度防守球員、6度入圍全明星賽,去年率領公鹿奪下總冠軍獲得FMVP殊榮,27歲便幾乎囊括所有榮譽,是全聯盟炙手可熱的球星。串流平台Disney+日前釋出一段預告片,宣布將於6月24日推出以「字母哥」一家為主角的原創電影《王者之路》。
“Rise” is based on the triumphant real-life story about the remarkable family that produced the first trio of brothers to become NBA champions in the history of the league-- Giannis and Thanasis Antetokounmpo of the Milwaukee Bucks and Los Angeles Laker Kostas Antetokounmpo, and their younger brother Alex.
公鹿當家球星「字母哥」安戴托昆波(Giannis Antetokounmpo)生涯至今拿下2座MVP、一次年度防守球員、6度入圍全明星賽,去年率領公鹿奪下總冠軍獲得FMVP殊榮,27歲便幾乎囊括所有榮譽,是全聯盟炙手可熱的球星。串流平台Disney+日前釋出一段預告片,宣布將於6月24日推出以「字母哥」一家為主角的原創電影《王者之路》。
Disney has just released a new trailer for the upcoming Disney+ exclusive film Rise, which is set to be released on June 24. The film will tell the extraordinary but true story of Giannis, Thanasis, and Alex Antetokounmpo, three brothers who endured impossible odds to achieve success in the NBA.
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