《In the SOOP:友情旅行》Wooga Family成員10 個友情證據!朴敘俊和金泰亨是狗友、朴炯植感性告白崔宇植
《IN THE SOOP:友情旅行》由「Wooga Family」成員朴敘俊、崔宇植、朴炯植、V金泰亨、Peakboy主演,將在7月22日於Disney+播出,這5位是眾所皆知的明星好友團「Wooga Family」,這次將會帶大家一窺他們私底下遠離繁忙演藝行程的現實生活,盡情在鄉間玩耍、與最要好的朋友們做他們最喜歡的事!
Park Seojun, Peakboy, Choi Wooshik, Park Hyungsik, and V are the well-known friend group of the entertainment industry. A friend's surprise proposal sends them on a four-day friendcation to Goseong. Witness how they spend their time as they become their true selves together. In a story of friendship, this is a travel record of five friends who mean more than family.
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《IN THE SOOP:友情旅行》由「Wooga Family」成員朴敘俊、崔宇植、朴炯植、V金泰亨、Peakboy主演,將在7月22日於Disney+播出,這5位是眾所皆知的明星好友團「Wooga Family」,這次將會帶大家一窺他們私底下遠離繁忙演藝行程的現實生活,盡情在鄉間玩耍、與最要好的朋友們做他們最喜歡的事!
而《IN THE SOOP:友情旅行》總共有4集,將在7月22日晚上9點在 JTBC 首播,會在 Disney+ 上線。
A 4-episode spin-off series of In the Soop titled, “In the Soop: Friendship Trip” will be broadcasting in July 2022!
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