Netflix英國影集《醜聞真相》(Anatomy of a Scandal)推出後便得到外媒大力關注,甚至在上架第二週便已登上 Netflix 收看榜首,之所以得到如此大的迴響,除了本片卡司相當堅強外,本劇探討的議題也非常貼切當前時事。
A sexual consent scandal amongst British privileged elite and the women caught up in its wake.
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Netflix英國影集《醜聞真相》(Anatomy of a Scandal)推出後便得到外媒大力關注,甚至在上架第二週便已登上 Netflix 收看榜首,之所以得到如此大的迴響,除了本片卡司相當堅強外,本劇探討的議題也非常貼切當前時事。
在六集的《醜聞真相Anatomy of a Scandal》中,我們可以一窺特權的運作。根據莎拉·沃恩(Sarah Vaughan)的暢銷書改編,由西耶娜·米勒、魯珀特·弗蘭德和米歇爾·道克瑞主演,描繪了一場法庭審判,一名政客被判強姦罪不成立。下面是結局的解釋。
Politicians behaving badly. Marriages unraveling in the public eye. Allegations of the rich and powerful taking advantage of their privilege. These are the sorts of real-life situations that cable news networks can spin into days of programming—remember, if you can, Boris Johnson’s “partygate” scandal from just a few days back or the recent travails of Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, whose wife’s taxes became the subject of international attention—but it turns out, they’re just as fascinating when they’re fictional.
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