2022年 最熱門影集 TOP-20 ✨

還記得2022年看過哪些影集嗎? awwrated 幫你整理 2022年最熱門的20部影集!

Total of 0 films ▪︎ Collected by 2 members
天堂的旗幟下 | awwrated | 你的 Netflix 避雷好幫手!

Editor's Choice

Under the Banner of Heaven

|United States|Mystery|Series

7.6 /10


Very Pop!

(29.9K votes)

As Detective Jeb Pyre investigates the murder of Brenda Wright Lafferty and her baby daughter in a suburb in the Salt Lake Valley, he uncovers buried truths about the origins of the LDS religion and the violent consequences of unyielding faith.

Crime, Drama, Mystery
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awwrated | FX's Under the Banner of Heaven is a Shocking, Fascinating Investigation of Faith

FX's Under the Banner of Heaven is a Shocking, Fascinating Investigation of Faith

Based on the novel by Jon Krakauer and created by Dustin Lance Black, the FX series “Under the Banner of Heaven” concerns a grisly murder in an unlikely place—a heavily Mormon community in Utah, where a cop like Jeb Pyre (Andrew Garfield) says that everyone leaves their doors unlocked. Pyre is one of many devout followers to the visions and whims of Mormonism founder Joseph Smith, which has since fostered tight-knit, wholesome, peaceful, but silencing places like Pyre’s.

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