紫藤巷以外的慾望師奶- Cougar town 熟女鎮/熟女當道 @ Nap,Eat,Play
2009秋季的新美劇中 最讓我期待的就是這部Cougar town 熟女鎮/熟女當道原因當然是女主角Courteney Cox 在friends的討論區 常有人在討論最喜歡六人中的誰最高票的通常都是..
A family of friends keeps things funny as they support each other. At the heart of the group is Jules Cobb, who is never far from her wine, her son, and her close group of friends.
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2009秋季的新美劇中 最讓我期待的就是這部Cougar town 熟女鎮/熟女當道原因當然是女主角Courteney Cox 在friends的討論區 常有人在討論最喜歡六人中的誰最高票的通常都是..
美國TBS的小眾劇集:《熟女鎮》Cougar Town(最初也有版本譯為《熟女當道》),是一檔由Courteney Cox(老友記中的Monica)、Christa Miller、Busy Phillips、Dan Byrd、Josh Hopkins、Ian Gomez、Brian Van Holt等主演的情景喜劇,於2009年9月23日在美國ABC電視台首播,2013年初(第四季)移至TBS電視台播出。全新的第六季(共13集)將於美國時間1月6日晚上10:30在TBS首播。
When I was a boy sprawled out on the shag carpet in front of our Zenith, “Wonder Woman” pole-vaulted from ABC to CBS and “The Bionic Woman” power-jumped from ABC to NBC. Both of them eventually fell flat on their pretty derrieres, but the point was they eluded cancellation for a while by switching networks, which, back in the pre-cable days, seemed a true superhuman feat. They weren’t aiming for art, anyhow; they were aiming for perpetual rerun royalties.
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