每次只要一有漫威電影宇宙的新作登場,便會引起一連串討論熱潮,而《奇異博士2:失控多重宇宙》(Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness)自然也不例外,光是在片中登場的不少秘密角色,便為影迷們提供了許多話題。接下來,便讓我們來看看《奇異博士2:失控多重宇宙》隱藏著哪些有趣的祕密吧!
Editor's Choice
In Marvel Studios’ “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness,” the MCU unlocks the Multiverse and pushes its boundaries further than ever before. Journey into the unknown with Doctor Strange, who, with the help of mystical allies both old and new, traverses the mind-bending and dangerous alternate realities of the Multiverse to confront a mysterious new adversary.
每次只要一有漫威電影宇宙的新作登場,便會引起一連串討論熱潮,而《奇異博士2:失控多重宇宙》(Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness)自然也不例外,光是在片中登場的不少秘密角色,便為影迷們提供了許多話題。接下來,便讓我們來看看《奇異博士2:失控多重宇宙》隱藏著哪些有趣的祕密吧!
被戲稱是「《汪達幻視》電影版」的 Marvel 電影《奇異博士 2:失控多重宇宙》,觀眾的目光幾乎都被伊莉莎白歐森 Elizabeth Olsen 飾演的「緋紅女巫」和瑞秋麥亞當斯 Rachel McAdams 飾演克莉絲汀帕瑪 Christine Palmer 在平行宇宙「858 宇宙」的「午夜護士」強悍形象給吸引,主角奇異博士固然重要…
If there’s one thing Doctor Strange In The Multiverse of Madness accomplishes, it's putting the final nail in the coffin of the idea that directors aren’t allowed to put their distinct stylistic stamps on the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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