美劇《這就是我們(This is us)》現實的人生,誰說胖子要樂觀?
Travel with book 美劇《這就是我們(This is us)》現實的人生,誰說胖子要樂觀? - 《這就是我們》第三季 - 追美劇的過程其實跟「別急著吃棉花糖」的概念很像,以前我都喜歡看有五季以上的影集,即使很好奇劇情也要故意慢慢看..
Editor's Choice
A refreshingly honest and provocative series following a unique ensemble whose paths cross and life stories intertwine in curious ways. THIS IS US is a smart, modern dramedy that will challenge your everyday presumptions about the people you think you know.
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Travel with book 美劇《這就是我們(This is us)》現實的人生,誰說胖子要樂觀? - 《這就是我們》第三季 - 追美劇的過程其實跟「別急著吃棉花糖」的概念很像,以前我都喜歡看有五季以上的影集,即使很好奇劇情也要故意慢慢看..
這部片其實非常簡單,它在講一個家庭的故事。 一樣先來張劇組的照片吧~ 其實這種片我以前都不愛,總覺得它很無聊,只不過是家裡的大小事罷了。但衝著它的頭銜「全美試播集的收視率最高」..
Welp, I take back everything I said about This Is Us pulling its punches when it came to depicting Rebeccca’s Alzheimer’s symptoms. “That’s not our mom, Kev,” is the only way Randall can describe it as Rebecca floats around in a confused stupor in the week following Miguel’s death. It’s quietly devastating to watch the vibrant woman we’ve come to know and love these past six seasons exist in such a different space than she has before. And “Family Meeting” is committed to depicting Rebecca’s decline both honestly and empathetically.
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