由韓韶禧、朴炯植主演《單戀原聲帶》(Soundtrack #1)迎來了大結局,雖然只有短短4集,卻完整又細膩的刻畫以朋友身分單戀對方的感受。不是因為害怕被拒絕,而是因為這個人太珍貴了,寧願忍住感情不在一起,也希望自己能永遠陪伴在他邊度過每個重要時刻。而在這個世界上,又有多少人以朋友的角色,默默地守護深愛的那個他呢?
Eunsoo was asked to write lyrics for a song by a famous composer. She was rejected because her lyrics lacked emotion of unrequited love. One day, Eunsoo found out that Sunwoo had a crush on someone. She asked Sunwoo to help her with the lyrics while living at her house. Who’s the one that Sunwoo fall in love with? When did their story begin?
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由韓韶禧、朴炯植主演《單戀原聲帶》(Soundtrack #1)迎來了大結局,雖然只有短短4集,卻完整又細膩的刻畫以朋友身分單戀對方的感受。不是因為害怕被拒絕,而是因為這個人太珍貴了,寧願忍住感情不在一起,也希望自己能永遠陪伴在他邊度過每個重要時刻。而在這個世界上,又有多少人以朋友的角色,默默地守護深愛的那個他呢?
太好了!Disney+的《單戀原聲帶》是Happy ending,最後真的好甜好甜,大家可以放心看下去了〜〜不得不說,這部劇真的把「雙向單戀」拍得好美,畫面和節奏感都看得人好舒服,無論是角色顏值、感情戲、轉場、視角轉換、鏡頭、OST都處理的超級唯美,完完全全戳中觀眾的心!
Soundtrack #1 is a beautiful story of friendship and romance. It’s a simple concept in truth, but one that’s executed with panache and style. This is a short but effective Korean drama and one that makes the absolutely most of its limited screen-time to leave you wanting more every step of the way.
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