Allen專欄 / 《吸血鬼家庭屍篇》:反公式的血色喜劇
近年來,恐怖片為「偽紀錄片」手法的主要大宗,而「吸血鬼」的電影類型則在《暮光之城》(Twilight)之後加入了更多浪漫與日常的元素,但當兩者因為大量的使用、挪用而陷入一攤死水之際,將兩者揉合喜劇元素而成的《吸血鬼家庭屍篇》(What We Do in the Shadows)無疑是一個嶄新的突破。
A look into the daily lives of four vampires who've been together for hundreds of years; after a visit from their dark lord and leader, they're reminded of their purpose in coming to New York City over a century ago.
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近年來,恐怖片為「偽紀錄片」手法的主要大宗,而「吸血鬼」的電影類型則在《暮光之城》(Twilight)之後加入了更多浪漫與日常的元素,但當兩者因為大量的使用、挪用而陷入一攤死水之際,將兩者揉合喜劇元素而成的《吸血鬼家庭屍篇》(What We Do in the Shadows)無疑是一個嶄新的突破。
FX 喜劇影集《吸血鬼家庭屍篇》(What We Do in the Shadows)已獲續訂第二季,近日劇組與演員於聖地牙哥國際動漫展(San Diego Comic Convention,SDCC)暢談第二季,以及第一季的拍攝趣聞。
Every few years a secret New Zealand society gathers for a very special event – The Unholy Masquerade, with vampires, warlocks and zombies meeting up to celebrate life, death, and the afterlife.
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