After his twin sister went missing eighteen years ago, Eun Gye-hoon lost the emotional link to her. One day, Gye-hoon feels the emotions of another presence and heads to the neighborhood of Jihwa-dong, where his sister had gone missing. He meets Noh Da-hyun, whom he is emotionally connected to.This human mystery drama and fantasy romance follow a man who experiences the emotions of a strange woman.
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《盡情吃 用力愛》Link: Eat, Love, Kill 由執導《少年法庭》的洪鍾燦導演和編寫《奇怪的搭檔》的編劇權基瑛攜手打造,講述隔了 18 年重新開始的連結(Link),一個男人感受到一個陌生女子的所有感情,進而展開的一段共享感情奇幻羅曼史。演員陣容包含童星出身,拍過《擁抱太陽的月亮》、《德魯納酒店》和《怪物》等膾炙人口作品的呂珍九,同樣是童星出身的《那個男人的記憶法》、《女神降臨》文佳煐、《69歲》芮秀貞等。
Link: Eat Love Kill (링크: 먹고 사랑하라 죽이게) is a fantasy-drama series directed by No Sang-hoon and starring Yeo Jin-goo and Mun Ka-young in lead roles. The series consists of 16 episodes and will be taking over tvN’s Monday and Tuesday 10.30 PM KST slot, previously occupied by Military Prosecutor Doberman. The series will air from June 06, 2022, to July 26, 2022. Eat Love Kill episode 1 has a runtime of 71 minutes.
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