鼠奎特在劇中總是設法藏好牠的寶貝橡實,一藏就是 20 年(觀眾這邊的現實時間),這次牠選擇把橡實直接吃掉,最後丟下橡實蒂頭跑向別的地方。
Six all-new animated “Ice Age” adventures starring Scrat, the hapless saber-toothed squirrel, who experiences the ups and downs of fatherhood, as he and the adorable, mischievous Baby Scrat, alternately bond with each other and battle for ownership of the highly treasured Acorn.
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鼠奎特在劇中總是設法藏好牠的寶貝橡實,一藏就是 20 年(觀眾這邊的現實時間),這次牠選擇把橡實直接吃掉,最後丟下橡實蒂頭跑向別的地方。
In recent years, the “Ice Age” series has mostly been forgotten or maligned. The series’ first four films were box-office hits, but by the release of the fifth film, the bizarre, slapdash sequel “Ice Age: Collision Course” in 2016, in which the series officially jumped the shark and sent Scrat to space.
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