Disney+《分手有緣人 Rye Lane》:一天,一對陌生人,一段不可思議的故事~充滿活力色彩的獨立電影!
如果你喜歡浪漫喜劇,那麼你一定不能錯過2023年的英國電影《分手有緣人 Rye Lane》。這部電影由新銳導演Raine Allen-Miller執導,由Nathan Bryon和Tom Melia編劇,是一部充滿活力和色彩的獨立製片作品。
Editor's Choice
From breakout director Raine Allen-Miller, "Rye Lane" is a romantic comedy that stars David Jonsson and Vivian Oparah as Dom and Yas, two twenty-somethings both reeling from bad break-ups, who connect over the course of an eventful day in South London - helping each other deal with their nightmare exes, and potentially restoring their faith in romance.
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