《四海兄弟》美國夢一場? — 上
要評論這部電影,若非大師級的專業,我想一般人很難方方面面地從人物再擴及故事的時空背景,再延伸到 Sergio Leone 去評論。查網路可知道 Richard Schickel(電影歷史學家)的註解版本已收錄在藍光 DVD 裡面,希望自己有機會能看看。
Editor's Choice
A violent and passionate gangster film, tracing the destinies of four friends from childhood in the old Jewish quarter of New York, to their maturity as notorious gangsters in a prohibition-era criminal empire.
要評論這部電影,若非大師級的專業,我想一般人很難方方面面地從人物再擴及故事的時空背景,再延伸到 Sergio Leone 去評論。查網路可知道 Richard Schickel(電影歷史學家)的註解版本已收錄在藍光 DVD 裡面,希望自己有機會能看看。
賽吉歐李昂尼(Sergio Leone)導演的《四海兄弟》,數位導演版,片長超過四小時,長的讓我在電影尾聲,還真的有觸碰到時光流逝的感受,為著銀幕上崩毀了的愛情與友情而感嘆:「最純稚的美好時光,終究被財富與權勢給強暴了。」
This was a murdered movie, now brought back to life on home video. Sergio Leone's "Once Upon a Time in America", which in its intended 227-minute version is an epic poem of violence and greed, was chopped by ninety minutes for U.S. theatrical release into an incomprehensible mess without texture, timing, mood, or sense.
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