Disney+ 最新力作《西遊ABC》:一部讓你笑中帶淚的華人身份認同劇~改編自美籍華裔作家楊謹倫創作的同名漫畫!
最近在 Disney+ 上架的新劇《西遊ABC》,這部劇改編自美籍華裔漫畫家楊謹倫的同名暢銷圖像小說,是一部充滿幽默、冒險和奇幻的作品,講述了一個在美國長大的華裔少年王金(Ben Wang 飾)如何在高中生活中尋找自我認同和歸屬感的故事。
Editor's Choice
Based on Gene Luen Yang’s groundbreaking graphic novel that chronicles the trials and tribulations of a regular American teenager whose life is forever changed when he befriends the son of a mythological god. This is the story of a young man’s battle for his own identity, told through family, comedy, and action-packed Kung-Fu.
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